True Democracy

Reponsibilities of those Governing

       Alderman will oversee those who will gather and organize all data, and sort into jurisdictional needs. In what could be done in a period of four months, eight hours a day five days a week, will be given five months two weeks to complete, leaving two weeks to document final results on the internet. Ratios for workers under Aldermen in proportion to population,will be determined stating how many surveys a single person can:

       Organize from raw opinion, to point form stating key points.

       Organize key points into standpoint headings of "want change", "leave as is" and "undetermined".

       Organize similarities in opinions to create sub-sections under standpoint headings.

       Find the overall prioritization of each topic of governance, and document prioritized majority opinion on internet, in a period of two weeks.

       Members of Legislation will oversee those who will gather all data and organize into regional needs. Those under the MLA's will gather all information from their region and send to Provincial Legislature after it's been processed and organized. Approval be upon MLA's of the regions before information is to be sent. Collectively in Legislature all MLA's will join all information regarding governance from each region into a majority prioritized provincial opinion. In what could be done in a period of eight months eight hours a day five days a week, will be given eleven months to complete, leaving one month to document all data on the internet. Once a year by Canada Day, results must be presented for all to see. Ratios for workers under MLA's in proportion to population, will be determined stating how many opinions a single person can:

       Organize from data collected from municipalities into majority provincial opinion,

       Organize from data collected from municipalities into prioritized provincial opinion,

       Document prioritized majority provincial opinion on the internet, in a period of a month.

       Members of Parliament will oversee those who will gather all data and organize into majority prioritized regional opinion. Those under the MP's will gather all information from their regions and send to the Parliament after all information has been processed and organized. Approval will be upon the MP's of the regions before information is to be sent. Collectively in Parliament all MP's will join all information regarding governance from each region as a majority prioritized national opinion. In what could be done in a period of sixteen months eight hours a day five days a week, will be given twenty-two months to complete, leaving two months to document all data on the internet. Once every two years by Canada Day, result must be presented for all to see. Ratios for workers under MP's in proportion to population, will be determined stating how many opinions a single person can:

       Organize from data collected from Provincial bodies stating majority national opinion,

       Organize from data collected from provincial bodies stating prioritized national opinion,

       Document prioritized majority national opinion on the internet, in a period of two months.

The Mayors responsibilities will entitle:

       Assigning and overseeing the appropriate people to help bring his plan to fulfillment,

       Overseeing and regulating work done by aldermen,

       Addressing pressing issues of the municipality by the way they are told by the results of "Canadian Views".

The Premiers responsibilities will entitle:

       Assigning and overseeing the appropriate people to help bring their plan to fulfillment,

       Overseeing and regulating work done by Members of Legislature,

       Addressing pressing issues of the provincial body by the way they are told by the results of "Canadian Views".

The Prime Ministers responsibilities will entitle:

       Assigning and overseeing the appropriate people to help bring his plan to fulfillment,

       Overseeing and regulating work done by Members of Parliament,

       Addressing pressing issues of the country by the way they are told by the results of "Canadian Views".

True Democracy